History of Research Networking at the UPR

When I was a wee hacker I wrote a manual for using the Internet, which had recently become available to researchers at the University of Puerto Rico. The Office of Information Systems later updated and republished the manual, and there are several copies in the UPR library system. Yesterday I …

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Mujeres en la ciencia de cómputos


La Dra. Liz Diaz me invitó a participar del Segundo Simposio El Poder de la Mujer en las Ciencias, el 15 y 16 de abril de 2021. Se supone que para presentar los programas de ciencia de computos. Pero su invitación y el tema de la conferencia me hicieron …

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First steps in Plan 9

While learning about Mastodon and the fediverse (more on that later, in a separate post), I ran across a group of people learning and working with Plan 9. Plan 9 is an operating system developed at Bell Labs in the 1990's, a sort of successor to some of the ideas …

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Low-power computing


I sometimes direct the UPR High Performance Computing facility, or as my colleagues like to call it, the medium performance computing facility. We've run largish linux clusters and big sgi machines since the early naughts.

So it's a little surprising I'm also interested in low-power computing. Until you hear …

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2020 Earthquakes


Puerto Rico had a swarm (or sequence) of earthquakes at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020. So far, the largest was a magnitude 6.4 on January 7, 2020.

Since around December 28, there have been hundreds of quakes in the region. Several researchers have made …

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Water levels in Carraizo reservoir


During the 2015 drought I wrote niveles-carraizo, an openshift app to monitor the water levels at the reservoir close to my home. Openshift changed the way apps work, so the app stopped working a while back.

The app used a cronjob to scrape data from our water works, but …

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Traffic analysis of SSB private messages

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A map of student progress in CCOM


We were discussing in our department the pre-requisites for different courses in computer science, and I started wondering about the "normal progression" of students in our Computer Science bachellor's degree. We have a suggested 4 year curriculum, but hardly any students graduate in 4 years. I wanted to see …

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diffhash: find differentially expressed kmers

I've been wanting to learn julia for a while, and with the recent release of version 1.0 I figured now's a good time. I worked some of the tutorial, and figured I could start writing real programs, so I took a stab at a program I've been mulling about …

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Using Google Drive from the command line


The University of Puerto Rico has a G Suite Education Edition agreement. Several researchers are interested in using Google Drive to backup and securely share data and results. We set up a Team Drive for testing in one of our projects, and it was working nicely, but one of …

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Solar Panel

After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017 I bought a solar panel kit. The kit had a 100 Watt solar panel (12 V), a charge controller, and cabling. I had already purchased a 1200 Watt inverter after Hurricane Irma, and pulled the battery from one of the …

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Scuttlebutt: a secure decentralized social network


I've been playing with scuttlebutt, a secure decentralized social network for a few days, and wanted to share some information on it.

Scuttlebutt isn´t so much a program as an ecosystem, a collection of programs, protocols, servers and people that allow users to share information peer-to-peer.


The …

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Bitpenny: illustrating bitcoin concepts with code

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Replicated file service on the PR-NETS ScienceDMZ


Many projects produce valuable digital data that should be preserved. In the PR-NETS project we have deployed a fault-tolerant distributed filesystem called Tahoe-LAFS to store project files.

The Tahoe-LAFS system consists of an introducer, a kind of directory for storage servers, and multiple storage servers. The introducer and storage …

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Principal Factors in Asthma in Puerto Rico

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A bigger RSA encryption example

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A very small RSA encryption example

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Sequence assembly in the presence of errors.

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