CCOM 3981 Undergraduate Seminar 1

Draft Syllabus


Field Value
Name Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga
Office NCL A-159
Laboratory NCL A-158
Telephone 787-764-0000 x88363
Web page
Office hours Tuesday, Thursday 8:00-9:30 AM
Wednesday 3:00-4:30 PM
or by appointment


This course is designed for students who attend their first semester in the Computer Science program. The course will allow students to become familiar with topics related to Computer Science and to undergraduate research. They will also learn the skills necessary to work in research and about principles of academic integrity. This is the first step to create an atmosphere where the students get interested and participate in research activities. At the end of the course the students should have selected a topic to research on.




  • Ethics and academic integrity
  • References
  • Areas related to computer science
  • Undergraduate research
  • Introduction to Latex
  • Preparing a technical report
  • How to give an effective talk
  • Undergraduate research opportunities
  • Research talks
  • Mathematicians and computer scientists


  • The student will know the advantages of undergraduate research.
  • The student will have a positive attitude towards research in computer science.
  • The student will know and discuss the principles of academic integrity.
  • The student will know the research areas at the Department of Computer Science.
  • The student will choose and describe one of the research topics presented in the seminar and will discuss why he/she chose this topic.
  • The student will learn about the contribution of mathematicians and computer scientists.
  • The student will give a short oral presentation about a mathematician or computer scientist.
  • The student will learn about current topics in computer science.
  • The student will learn about research and internship summer opportunities.
  • The student will learn how to find references and prepare a technical article.
  • The student will learn the basics of how to give an oral presentation about computer science.
  • The student will learn how to use Latex.
  • The student will write a technical work using Latex.
  • The student will write an essay about her/his interest in computer science.
  • The student understands the importance of diversity in science.

Course schedule

Class will meet Mondays from 11:30 AM to 12:50 PM in NCL A-141. In UPR-RP attendance is compulsory.

Instructional resources

The course will be hosted on the UPRRP Moodle. Register and stay tuned for our polls and forum postings.




Students will need access to a text editor and LaTeX. Online services such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX are available.


Students work will be evaluated on a 100% basis with the standard curve.

  • Participation in course forums (online, classroom), 25% final grade
  • Latex document, 25% final grade
  • References and presentation, 25% final grade
  • Writing assignments, 25% final grade

Reasonable accomodations for students

Students with disabilities properly registered with the Office of Affairs for Persons with Disabilities Oficina de Asuntos para la Persona con Impedimento (O.A.P.I.) should notify the professor at the start of the semester. The professor will make reasonable accommodations to support the student, in consultation with OAPI.

Academic integrity

The University of Puerto Rico promotes the highest standards of academic and scientific integrity. Article 6.2 of the UPR Student Bylaws (Certification JS 13 2009–2010) states that “academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: fraudulent actions, obtaining grades or academic degrees using false or fraudulent simulations, copying totally or partially academic work from another person, plagiarizing totally or partially the work of another person, copying totally or partially responses from another person to examination questions, making another person to take any test, oral or written examination on his/hers behalf, as well as assisting or facilitating any person to incur in the aforementioned conduct”. Fraudulent conduct refers to “behavior with the intent to defraud, including but not limited to, malicious alteration or falsification of grades, records, identification cards or other official documents of the UPR or any other institution.” Any of these actions shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the disciplinary procedure, as stated in the existing UPR Student Bylaws.

DISCLAIMER: The above statement is an English translation, prepared at the Deanship of Academic Affairs of the Medical Sciences Campus, of certain parts of Article 6.2 of the UPR Student Bylaws “Reglamento General de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico”, (Certificación JS 13 2009-2010). It is in no way intended to be a legal substitute for the original document, written in Spanish.