Introductory graduate course in bioinformatics to be offered Spring 2017 in UPR-RP. Topics covered will include biological sequences, programming in python, UNIX, sequence alignments, sequence phylogeny, sequence database searches, and gene expresion analysis, including microarray and RNA-Seq analysis, and gene set or pathway analysis …
more ...Handout and figure from a workshop on processing data from The Cancer Genome Atlas project. Uses the RTCGAToolbox to access Broad Institute Firehose data, examine the data and produce plots.
The workshop was given in San Juan, PR, at the University of Puerto Rico Medical School, on Friday, April 17 …
more ...I gave a workshop today on microarray analysis with Bioconductor. The slides and a handout are online, and I have a github repository with the code for the slides, a handout, and the example scripts.
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