CCOM 3982 001 Undergraduate Seminar 2


Name Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga
Office NCL A-150
Laboratory NCL A-158
Telephone 787-764-0000 x7430
email <>
Web page <>
Office hours Monday, Wednesday 8:00-9:30 AM Tuesday, Thursday 3:30-5:00 PM or by appointment


This course is designed for students who attend their second semester in the Computer Science program. The course will allow students to become familiar with topics related to Computer Science and to undergraduate research and to put into practice the skills learned in the course CCOM 3981. Students will select a topic, revise the pertinent literature to prepare an oral and a poster presentation about the selected topic. The presentations could be group presentations. The students could also choose an undergraduate research topic to be conducted under the direction of a Computer Science faculty member and present the research problem and the background material. In addition, the students will learn about the job and graduate school opportunities in computer science.


  1. Topics in computer science for independent study
  2. How to use Latex and Power Point for oral and poster presentations
  3. Employment opportunities in computer science
  4. Graduate studies and fellowship opportunities in computer science
  5. Student oral presentations
  6. Student poster presentations


  1. The student will know about employment opportunities in computer science.
  2. The student will know about the graduate studies and fellowship opportunities in computer science.
  3. The student will work as part of a team.
  4. The student will do an independent study in a topic related to computer science.
  5. The student will design and prepare audiovisual material for an oral presentation.
  6. The student will give an oral presentation to the group.
  7. The student will learn about current topics in computer science.
  8. The student will design and prepare a poster.

Course Schedule

Class will meet Mondays 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM, NCL A-141. In UPR-RRP attendance is compulsory.

Instructional resources

The course will be hosted on the CCOM Moodle. Register and stay tuned for our polls and forum postings.

Evaluation Strategy

Students will be evaluated on a 100% scale, with the following curve:

A (90% - 100%), B (80% - 89%), C (65% - 79%), D (50% - 64%), F (0 – 49%).

  • Participation in class (25%)
  • Meetings with faculty (25%)
  • Oral presentation (25%)
  • Poster presentation (25%)

Reasonable accomodations for students

Students with disabilities properly registered with the Office of Affairs for Persons with Disabilities Oficina de Asuntos para la Persona con Impedimento (O.A.P.I.) should notify the professor at the start of the semester. The professor will make reasonable accommodations to support the student, in consultation with OAPI.