2020 Earthquakes


Puerto Rico had a swarm (or sequence) of earthquakes at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020. So far, the largest was a magnitude 6.4 on January 7, 2020.

Since around December 28, there have been hundreds of quakes in the region. Several researchers have made …

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Water levels in Carraizo reservoir


During the 2015 drought I wrote niveles-carraizo, an openshift app to monitor the water levels at the reservoir close to my home. Openshift changed the way apps work, so the app stopped working a while back.

The app used a cronjob to scrape data from our water works, but …

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Traffic analysis of SSB private messages

Traffic analysis of scuttlebutt messages

Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga


The scuttlebutt protocol implements private messages with "private box", a protocol that hides the recipients from observers. Each message is encrypted to up to seven recipients. An observer can see only the timestamp, size, and the sender of messages.

We also know …

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A map of student progress in CCOM


We were discussing in our department the pre-requisites for different courses in computer science, and I started wondering about the "normal progression" of students in our Computer Science bachellor's degree. We have a suggested 4 year curriculum, but hardly any students graduate in 4 years. I wanted to see …

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diffhash: find differentially expressed kmers

I've been wanting to learn julia for a while, and with the recent release of version 1.0 I figured now's a good time. I worked some of the tutorial, and figured I could start writing real programs, so I took a stab at a program I've been mulling about …

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