Attention Process in Collaborative Multimedia Environment

Dra. Heidi J. Figueroa Sarriera, PI Attention Process in Collaborative Multimedia Environment
Dra. Otomíe Vale Nieves, PI Texting in the classroom: possible effects on students learning performance   

For the research project "Attention Process in Collaborative Multimedia Environment"  (interdisciplinary research, Heidi J. Figueroa Sarriera, PI) we have set a repository of data in a local server at UPRRP, and the participants researchers use the Science DMZ network to access the data, by streaming the many videos recordings collected, as well as exchanging other media files relevant to the analysis. Also, files have been accessed remotely by using qualitative analysis applications that allow to tag them on real time for analysis purposes. Texting in the classroom: possible effects on students learning performance  (Psychology research, Otomíe Vale Nieves, PI) used the Science DMZ network to download data files from libraries databanks. The possibility of high speed data transfer impacted positively the overall tasks performance of the research processes.