Miguel A. Hernández Betancourt
Hello, my name is Miguel Angel Hernández Betancourt, I'm an undergradate student undergoing a double major in Biology and Computer Science.
Weekly Updates
Semester: August-December, 2019
Week 1 :
- Finally i enrolled into the research course.
- I'm less confused about about the inner workings of research.
- Went to the first lab meeting.
- I will start reading papers.
Week 2 :
- Of three assigned papers I only read one. Will read the other two on the weekend
- Still don't know what project to join or do.
- Also currently searching for a paper.
- Weekly update over.
Week 3 :
- Went to the lab meeting.
- Couldn't do anything else do to personal matters.
- Will try to catch on for next week.
Week 4 :
- There was no lab meeting.
- I finished reading week 2's assigned papers.
Week 5 :
- Went to lab meeting.
- Haven't done anything lab related since I have a Lineal Algebra exam tuesday 17. Help me.
- Still need to find a paper. Will work on that after tuesday.
Week 6 :
- Will read similar papers.
Week 7 :
- I gave a presentation about Denoisining Autoencoders.
- Humberto assigned me to replicate the experiment.
- Next week I've got two examens.
Week 8 :
- Didn't do much do to having two examens this week.
- Found some articles about autoencoders.
Week 9 :
- I started watching youtube videos about neural networks and how they work.
- Found a video about Denoising autoencoders.
- There was no lab meeting this week.
Week 10 :
- Went to lab meeting, Brikinie presented seq-seq pan.
- Will start looking into the autoencoder project.
- Got tons of work to do.
Week 11 - 14:
- Searched more information on neural networks and autoencoders and how they work and function.
- Tried to download the programs needed for Theano. But had some trouble downloading the intstaller anaconda. It took quite more time that I anticipated but managed to download the programs.
- Had quite a lot of work and exams.
Week 15 :
- No lab meeting do to thanksgiving weekend
Semester: January-May, 2020
Week 1: (January 27 - February 1)
- Humberto greet us with the wonderful news we were going to SiDIM :'( .
- Notified us that we had until February 15 to summit abstracts.
Week 2: (February 2 - 8)
- Started writing the abstract with Roberto
Week 3: (February 9 - 15)
- There was no lab meeting today.
- Finished writing the abstract. Humberto approved.
- Started setting up my PC with theano and related programs for the autoencoders.
Week 4: (February 16 - 22)
- There was no lab meeting this week do to a two day machine learning in bioinformatics workshop.
- I attended the workshop, althought I missed the first one and a half hour of the workshop do to a conflicting squedule with immunology class. In the workshop they disccused and work with:
- Random Forests
- Support Vector Machines
- Naive Beyes
- Cross validation
- Make synthetic datasets
Week 5: (February 23 - 29)
- Couldn't work much on the project do to Inmunology exam and next week's supirior algebra exam.
Week 6: (March 1 - 7)
- Found a website with code for a denoising autoencoder using theano library. But there is no time to add it to the poster.
- After SiDIM:
- Instead of focusing on trying to use the theano library I will open up to the Keras and Tenserflow library since they are more widely use and there are more tutorials and code using this libraries ( I know since I have have found more of these on my search for theano tutorials and code for denoising autoencoders).
- I will start documenting better the articles I have read and used to understand and get into the field of neural networks and autoencoders.