
I’m the director of the INBRE bioinformatics core. We support research in most areas of bioinformatics, but my own research is principally on differential gene expression using microarrays and next-generation sequencing.

Majority Logic Decoding

Majority logic decoding (MLD) is a simple error correction technique for replicated measurements. I developed an application of MLD to microarray data in my PhD thesis with Oscar Moreno. Roberto Arce and I recently extended MLD to work with digital gene expression data obtained from next-generation sequencing (Paper).


I’m Co-PI of two cyberinfrastructure grants, the PR-NETS project in UPR-RP and the Track 2.

I also direct the HPCf, which provides computational and network cyberinfrastructure to researchers in Puerto Rico. At the HPCf, we collect and analyze network flows for the UPR.

Anomaly detection in network flows

I’ve been interested in network flows for a long time. In Fall 2013, Ivan Garcia started working in my lab on detecting anomalies in network flows. Here’s his technical report on the topic.