Christian A. Rodriguez showed me his MathJax enabled pages, and I just found out org-mode supports mathjax too. You just put latex equations in html, and load the javascript. It renders the equation in any browser.

Here's an example from the MathJax home page:

The raw latex:

   $$ J_\alpha(x) = \sum\limits_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^m}{m! \,
   \Gamma(m + \alpha + 1)}{\left({\frac{x}{2}}\right)}^{2 m + \alpha} $$

Renders into:

$$ J_\alpha(x) = \sum\limits_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^m}{m! \, \Gamma(m + \alpha + 1)}{\left({\frac{x}{2}}\right)}^{2 m + \alpha} $$