Multiplication and subtraction


In class we built an interpreter for numbers, addition, Boolean values, and conditional expressions (calc.rkt).

I have provided a new intepreter in mul-sub.rkt that removes if0 and cleans up the tests.

I also extended our parser to parse conditional expressions and Boolean constants.

 <expr> ::= <num>
            | TRUE | FALSE
            | { + <expr> <expr> }
            | { cnd <expr> <expr> <expr> }

Add subtraction and multiplication to our language.

 <expr> ::= <num>
            | TRUE | FALSE
            | { + <expr> <expr> }
            | { * <expr> <expr> }
            | { - <expr> <expr> }
            | { cnd <expr> <expr> <expr> }

One possible way is to add multiplication to the core interpreter, then take advantage of the fact that \(a - b = a + (b * -1)\), and convert subtraction in the parser to an addition and a multiplication.

Upload your revised mul-sub.rkt to moodle.