depython - sml data structures for a simplified subset of python


Python has tools for examining python source code. Let's look at some examples in python 2.7.

import ast


The result should be:


A slightly more complicated expression:

ast.dump(ast.parse("2 + 3"))

Results in:

'Module(body=[Expr(value=BinOp(left=Num(n=2), op=Add(), right=Num(n=3)))])'

Assignment statements and variables

code = """
a = 2
b = 3

print a * b + b 

Assign(targets=[Name(id='a', ctx=Store())], value=Num(n=2)),
Assign(targets=[Name(id='b', ctx=Store())], value=Num(n=3)),
Print(dest=None, values=[BinOp(left=BinOp(left=Name(id='a',
ctx=Load()), op=Mult(), right=Name(id='b', ctx=Load())), op=Add(),
right=Name(id='b', ctx=Load()))], nl=True)])"

We can define OCaml data types to represent a subset of python programs.

type id = string

type binop = Add | Sub | Mult | Div

type exp = 
    | Num of int
    | BinOp of exp * binop * exp
    | Name of id

type stm = 
    | Assign of id * exp
    | Print of exp list
    | Expr of exp

type prog = 
    | Module of stm list

let p1 = Module [Expr (Num 123)];;

let p2 = Module [Expr (BinOp (Num 3, Add, Num 2))];;

let p3 = Module [Assign ("a", Num 3); Print [BinOp (Name "a", Mult, Num 2)]];;


  1. Write a pretty printer for depython programs pretty : prog -> unit that prints out a human readable version of the given program.

  2. Write an interpreter for depython, following the instructions for the SLP interpreter. You will need a function interp : prog -> unit that interprets the top level program, and auxiliary functions to interpret the stm and exp datatypes in an appropriate environment. You should have mutualy recursive functions interpStm stm * table -> table and interpExp exp * table -> int * table. A table is a list of (id, int) pairs, and the first id that matches should hold the current value of the id. You should have update and lookup functions that add new bindings and lookup current values. update : table * id * int -> table takes a table, and adds a binding of id to the given int. lookup : table * id -> int looks up the id in the given table and returns the current value.