Parser for a Tiger subset


Construct a parser for a subset of tiger that includes the following

    exp binop exp
    lvalue := exp
    id ( explist )
    ( expseq )
    let declist in expseq end
    if exp then exp
    if exp then exp else exp

    # These are simple variables

    + - * / = <> < > <= >= & |

    dec declist

    type id = id
    var id : id := exp
    function id ( typefields ) : id = exp

    expseq ; exp

    explist , exp

    typefield, typefields

    id : id

NOTE: the only valid type ids in our language are aliases of the built in "int" and "string" types. We do not have arrays or structures or other compound types.

Part 1

Your assignment is to use the sample code in chapter 3 to implement (in tiger.grm) a parser for this subset of tiger. The full description of tiger is in the Appendix A of the book, and you can get a short description of Tiger. Remember, you don't have to implement the whole language, just what I describe above. Also, each grammar production should return unit (). In the next part you will build an abstract systax tree, but for now just get the grammar working. Save a copy of your working grammar, in case you can't get Part 2 working.

You will definitely need to read Chapter 3 to see examples of building a parser, and the ML-Yacc manual is also useful.

Try to keep the number of conflicts in your parser to a minimum. You must not have any reduce-reduce conflicts, and explain any shift-reduce conflicts and how they are resolved.

Example code

You can parse a sample program using:

- CM.make "";
- Parse.parse "test.tig";
  () : unit

Here's a simple program that should parse.

  function fac(n : int) : int =
    if n <= 1 then
        n * fac(n - 1)

Part 2

Your assignment is to use the sample code in chapter 4 to implement (in tiger.grm) a parser for this subset of tiger that builds the appropriate abstract syntax tree for each production. Remember, in the last part all the productions returned unit ()? We said later you would have to change it? Now each production must return an Absyn. Look at the absyn.sml to see the data structures you must build.

For example, in absyn.sml we see that one possible expression is a StringExp that has a string and an int (representing the postition of the string in the file). Then in your tiger.grm you should have a line like

exp : STRING (Absyn.StringExp (STRING, STRINGleft))

(if you get tired of typing Absyn.XXXX all the time, alias Absyn to A, like the book says.)

The full description of tiger is in the Appendix A of the book, and you can get a short description of Tiger. Remember, you don't have to implement the whole language, just what I describe above.

You will definitely need to read Chapter 4 to see examples of building a parser and abstract syntax tree, and the ML-Yacc manual is also useful.

Example code

I built a parser for Straight Line Programs (SLP), that reads the text and outputs a AST using a structure like slp.sml from Chapter 1. I also connected that parser with my own SLP interpreter. You can read my code to see how to build AST for SLP in slp/slp.grm. Your assignment is not to implement an SLP parser, but a parser for tiger. This is just so you can get an idea for building the AST in the productions.

$ cat prog.slp
a := 5 + 3;
b := (print (a, a-1), 10*a);
print (b)

$ rlwrap sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.76 [built: Mon Jul  7 23:25:08 2014]
- CM.make "";
[library $smlnj/cm/ is stable]
[loading (]
[New bindings added.]
val it = true : bool

- val prog = Parse.parse "prog.slp";
val prog =
  CompoundStm (AssignStm ("a",OpExp #),CompoundStm (PrintStm #,PrintStm #))
  : Absyn.stm

- Interp.interp prog;
val it = () : unit