CPU Wars


In class we studied the x86_64 instruction set architecture, including the registers, instructions, and memory model. In class I handed out random cards from CPU Wars which describe CPUs from the past.


Write a report on the instruction set architecture of the CPU you were assigned. You don't need to write a 5000+ page manual with each instruction, but you should describe how many (and which) registers the CPU has, how many instructions, and what kinds of instructions. Describe how memory is organized.

Each kind of CPU has enabled different applications, and has had an effect on society. Your report should describe some of the impact on society of the development of your particular CPU.

The reports don't need to be long, but a good report should be between 3 and 10 pages, depending on the CPU architecture.

Your report should be in English or Spanish, but not "spanglish". I will evaluate the reports for clarity, grammar, technical content, and the description of societal impact.