Undergraduate Research
Current Projects
Project: High-throughput video processing for analysis of honeybee behavior
Open positions for undergraduate research (Financial support available)
The goal of this project is to develop new computational tools to study the individual behavior of thousands of bees over extended periods of time by using video to track them in front of their colony.
This multi-disciplinary project is between the Computer Science and Biology departments of UPR-Río Piedras and the Mathematical Sciences department of UPR-Mayaguez.
Objectives: The undergraduate research will be defined according to the skills, interests and motivation of the students. The project provides opportunities to work on the following topics:
- Computer graphics: scientific visualization for the annotation and display of bees’ activities
- Webapp development: app to crowd-source data analysis, client and server side components
- Computer vision: automatic analysis of video data (tag detection, tracking of bees…)
- High Performance Computing: parallel computing on Linux cluster, GPU computing, code optimization and performance evaluation
Flyer: [PDF]

Examples of student projects
Undergraduate research projects.
At UPRRP, Computer Science Department, students of the Bachelor of Computer Science (CS):
- Jeffrey Chan (BS CS):
- Bee identification using Deep Learning. Work presented at PRISM 2018, HENAAC 2018.
- Christian Esteves (BS CS):
- Web App development for multi user annotation interface. Work presented at PRISM 2018.
- Database development for annotation and video management.
- Emmanuel Nieves (BS CS):
- Web App development for multi user annotation interface. Work presented at PRISM 2018.
- Grace Rodriguez (BS CS):
- Visualization of temporal activities of bees using D3.
- Valerie Santiago (BS CS):
- Detection of honeybees in video.
At UPRM, Mathematical Sciences Department: students in Bachelor of Computer Science (CS) or Mathematics (Math):
- Chalbert Colon Rivera (BS CS):
- Gesture Recognition for Sign Language using Kinect. Work presented at UMaRch 2015, CAHSI 2015 and Undergraduate Research Mini-Symposium Math Dpt, May 2016.
- Emmanuel Ruscalleda (BS Math):
- Algorithms for the Analysis of Spatial Properties of Chemical Images. Project in collaboration with Pr Romañach, Chemistry Department, UPRM. Work presented at UMaRch 2015 and PRISM 2015.
- Model fitting methods for estimating nanoparticle morphology in Transmittance Electron Microscope images. Project in collaboration with Dr Shinjae Yoo, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Shirley Serralles (BS CS):
- Computer assisted annota/on system for study of insect behavior. Work presented at CCWIC 2016 (2nd prize, best poster), Sigma-Xi 2016 and Undergraduate Research Mini-Symposium Math Dpt, May 2016.
- Carlos Rivera Lopez (BS CS):
- Detection of Bees using Image Processing. Work presented at Sigma-Xi 2016. In collaboration with Biology department, UPR-RP.
- Manuel Meléndez Negrón (BS CS):
- Study of the Camera2 Android API. Work presented at Undergraduate Research Mini-Symposium Math Dpt, May 2016.