


2015-2016 - Semestre 2




A definition

Malware = malicious software

Any program that works against the better interests of systems user or owner.


Reverse Engineering to the rescue!


Some malware cathegories

Viruses: * self-replicating. * before the Internet, required some type of human intervention to spread from computer to computer * once they gain access to the computer they make copies of themselves inside other executables.

Worms: * Example: Code Red Worm: exploited vulnerability in Windows Server Internet Service API. * also self-replicating but do not requiere user intervention * why use a human, when network is at your disposal * hide themselves as ___ data packets * other example: mass mailing worms

Trojan Horse: * seemingly innocent file that contains malicious code * when run: may exhibit normal lawfull behavior while doing its bad deeds in the background
