String excercises


Given two strings of the same length (passed as constant references), return the number of characters in corresponding positions in which they differ.

For example:

Do not use any function from the string class except length (and [] to access the characters)


Given two strings of the same length (passed as constant references), return true if one can be obtained from the other by swapping exactly two characters. For example,

Do not use any function from the string class except length (and [] to access the characters)


A string is considered an abbreviation of a word if we can form the word by inserting zero o more letters at the beginning, end or between the characters of the abbreviation. For example:

Write a function bool abbreviation(const string &abrev, const string &word) that receives two strings and returns true if the first is an abbreviation of the second

Do not use any function from the string class except length (and [] to access the characters)